Norwell Lapley Productions (NLP) is one of the country’s leading independent production companies with over 30 years of producing and promoting work for the UK and international touring market. We have developed a vast collection of work over the many years.

We specialise in the innovation of dramatizing children’s literature with a significant portfolio of work for young people, as well as, the development and production of touring theatre shows with well-known Television Personalities and authors, with over 500 performance dates a year.


Our work is popular, profitable and a staple for regional theatres. Our family work is regularly attended by pre-school and school groups, making them a perfect introduction to theatre. Offering resources for teachers, giving the opportunity to encourage…


NLP are registered with Nielsen BookScan, who provide a range of services to the book industry internationally. We report the sale of all book made on tour, meaning these count towards all the Bestseller lists.

is to produce live theatre that inspires and entertains